Leading Through Change: How to Guide Your Team During Uncertainty

Change is bound to happen in business, whether it comes in the form of economic downturns, industry shifts, advancements in technology, or even internal restructuring. How leaders navigate these transitions can significantly impact their team’s performance and morale. The ability to lead effectively during uncertain times isn’t just a desirable trait—it’s essential for success. In fact, 75% of change efforts fail due to ineffective leadership, poor communication, or a lack of team engagement, according to research from McKinsey & Company. Here are six tips for Leaders when it comes to guiding your team through change.

Leading through change

1. Encourage Transparency and Open Communication

One of the most critical elements of leading through uncertainty is clear and transparent communication. Employees want to feel informed and reassured when changes are occurring. According to a Gallup survey, only 27% of employees strongly agree that they are well-informed about what is happening within their organisations. This lack of communication creates anxiety, lowers engagement, and decreases trust.

As a leader, establish open channels for feedback and updates. Regularly share updates about what is known, what is still uncertain, and how decisions will be made. This transparency not only helps dispel rumours but also builds trust between leadership and the team.

Communication in leadership meme

2. Demonstrate Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) becomes particularly important during periods of change. Empathy and understanding can help maintain morale and reduce resistance to change. According to Harvard Business Review, emotionally intelligent leaders tend to foster a 20% higher team engagement and satisfaction rate.

Leaders who take the time to understand how change impacts their employees—both professionally and personally—are better equipped to provide the necessary support. Whether it’s adjusting workloads, offering flexible working arrangements, or simply being available to listen, empathy can turn uncertainty into an opportunity for stronger team cohesion.

3. Provide Stability Amid Uncertainty

While you may not always have control over external changes, providing a sense of stability within the team is key. Structure and routine can help employees feel grounded. A study by the American Psychological Association found that 75% of employees consider their direct manager to be the most important factor in managing workplace stress. Leaders who provide consistent guidance, clearly defined goals, and a focus on maintaining normalcy where possible will give their team a sense of security.

Set short-term, attainable goals that help team members stay focused. Regular check-ins and clearly defined objectives not only create a sense of direction but also help employees see how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

Crisis leadership

4. Encourage a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset—the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work—can be a game-changer when leading through change. Encouraging your team to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat helps foster resilience. Offer training, mentoring, or upskilling opportunities so employees can adapt to new realities and feel more confident navigating through transitions.

5. Promote Team Collaboration and Support

Collaboration can be a stabilising force when the future is unclear. Leaders should actively foster an environment where team members support each other.

  • Encourage brainstorming sessions
  • Cross-departmental projects,
  • Or peer mentoring programs to increase collaboration and reduce feelings of isolation or overwhelm.

By promoting teamwork, leaders can create a shared sense of purpose that helps the team weather the storm together.

6. Be Prepared to Adapt

Finally, leaders must be flexible and open to adjusting their approach as situations evolve. According to a survey by PwC, 64% of CEOs acknowledge that agility is essential to navigating future crises. In the rapidly changing world of today, leaders who demonstrate adaptability inspire their teams to do the same.

This could mean revisiting company goals, reallocating resources, or being open to new ways of working. The key is to remain focused on the long-term vision while being willing to make short-term adjustments that help the team thrive in the current environment.

Effective leadership quote

Leading through uncertainty is a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity for growth—for both leaders and their teams. By prioritizing transparency, empathy, and adaptability, leaders can guide their teams through uncertain times and emerge stronger on the other side. With the right strategies in place, what might seem like a crisis today can become the foundation for tomorrow’s success.

Contact KONA today to discuss our tailored Leadership Training Programs and the value they can bring to your business.

Call 1300 611 288 or email info@kona.com.au

How to Motivate and Inspire your Business Leaders

Motivation and inspiration are the sparks that lead to innovation, professional growth, and success. Behind every successful company are passionate and driven leaders who inspire their teams to achieve greatness.

As a business owner or manager, developing a motivational and inspiring culture among your leaders is paramount. Here are some effective strategies to ignite the spark of motivation and inspiration in your business leaders:

Leaders motivate and inspire others to succeed.

Lead by Example

One of the most powerful forms of motivation is leading by example. Demonstrate the qualities you wish to instil in your leaders, such as resilience, determination, and a positive attitude. Your actions will serve as a guiding light for your team, inspiring them to emulate your behaviour and strive for excellence.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Clearly defined goals provide a roadmap for success and give your leaders a sense of purpose. Ensure that your business objectives are S.M.A.R.T:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

By aligning individual and team goals with the principal vision of the company, you can empower your business leaders to focus their efforts and make meaningful contributions.

Offer Ongoing Learning and Development Opportunities

Encourage your business leaders to pursue professional development opportunities and expand their skill sets. Whether it’s attending workshops, enrolling in courses, or seeking mentorship, investing in ongoing learning fosters personal growth and keeps leaders motivated and engaged. Additionally, create a supportive environment where learning from failures is celebrated as a stepping stone to success.

Words to describe a KONA tailored training workshop
Some words from delegates describing one of KONA’s tailored training workshops.

Provide Recognition and Feedback

Acknowledge the achievements and contributions of your business leaders regularly. Whether it’s a simple word of appreciation or a formal recognition program, validation of their efforts reinforces positive behaviour and cultivates a sense of pride and fulfilment. Similarly, constructive feedback offers valuable insights for improvement and demonstrates your commitment to their professional development.

Encourage Teamwork

Emphasize the importance of collaboration and teamwork within your organization. Foster an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are valued, and ideas are freely exchanged. By promoting a sense of camaraderie and collective ownership, you empower your business leaders to leverage the strengths of their teams and achieve shared goals collaboratively.

Cultivate a Visionary Mindset

Inspire your business leaders to think beyond the status quo and embrace innovation and creativity. Encourage them to challenge conventional thinking, explore new possibilities, and envision bold strategies for growth and transformation. By fostering a visionary mindset, you unleash the potential for groundbreaking ideas and pave the way for future success.

Provide Rewards and Incentives

Offer rewards and incentives that align with the values and aspirations of your business leaders. Whether it’s monetary bonuses, career advancement opportunities, or non-monetary perks like flexible work arrangements or recognition programs, incentivise high performance and motivate them to strive for excellence.

Motivating and inspiring your business leaders is key to driving success in business. By implementing these strategies into your business, you can empower your leaders to unleash their full potential and propel your business to new heights of achievement.

Providing employees with rewards and incentives to strive for success.

Contact KONA today to discuss our tailored Management and Leadership Training Programs.

Call 1300 611 288 or email info@kona.com.au

How can I promote Teamwork among Employees?

I was delivering a team building workshop not so long ago to a group of leaders and we got into a little bit of a debate.

I was encouraging them to lead by example and create a team environment by encouraging and including ideas and input. During the debate one of the delegates said, “Oh for goodness’ sake, this is all about the Gen X and their entitlement, they honestly think we live in a democracy!”, I replied with “No, I believe that we must encourage an environment where we promote to old, there is no “I” in team”. The delegate said that they tried saying this but were met with “Ah yes… but there is an M and E in team…”

So, how can we promote Teamwork among Employees?… Well, consistency is one way, and we also need to make sure that we are not just talking the talk but… Well, you know the rest of this saying…

Tips to promote Teamwork among Employees

Teamwork is a critical element of a successful and productive workplace. When employees work together, it creates a positive work environment where more can be achieved.

The following suggestions are posed under the assumption that you already have the right people in each position on your team. The foundation of teamwork depends on hiring the right people and effective leadership. When teams work well together, an efficient workplace culture with problem solving abilities, inspiration and support is achieved. Being in an environment that works toward shared goals will empower employees and create a sense of belonging.

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to encourage teamwork among your employees. You will need to provide your team with the tools and guidance they need to reach their full potential. Here are 20 effective ways managers can promote teamwork in their teams.

Lead by Example

Set the tone for teamwork by demonstrating the behaviour and positive attitude towards working with others that you want to see from your team.

Your team pay a lot of attention to what you say and do. If you say one thing but do another, it can lead your team to feelings of frustration and mistrust.

Outline Roles and Responsibilities

It’s more common than you would think for a team member to be unclear on their role and responsibilities.

Every team member should have a comprehensive understanding of their role and what is expected of them within the team to minimise confusion and overlap.

Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing:

  • Ideas
  • Concerns
  • Feedback with their teammates

Foster Trust

It’s so important to build trust among team members in order to promote teamwork.

Encourage honesty and reliability to establish a strong foundation.

Teamwork leads to a successful and productive workplace. Working together creates a positive environment where more can be achieved.

Establish Common Goals

Align your team around shared objectives, making it easier for everyone to work together towards a common purpose.

Common team goals provide structure that allows you to measure progress of individuals and the group as a whole. 

Training and Development

Staff Retention rates rise by 30-50% in companies with strong learning cultures.

Improve your employees’ skills and knowledge by investing in their professional development. Staff who do not receive training typically produce less work and at a lower quality.

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and reward both individual and team achievements to boost morale and motivation.

Celebrating success reinforces the motivation that will bring us to the next achievement.

Clear Expectations

Ensure everyone knows what is expected of them and the team.

This includes:

  • Deadlines
  • Performance metrics
  • Accountability
  • Flexibility


Encourage diversity and inclusion, valuing the unique perspectives and contributions of each team member.

Inclusion in the workplace creates a sense of belonging that can lead to greater productivity and teamwork.

Team-Building Activities

Organise team-building exercises, workshops, or outings to help team members bond and build trust.

Studies have shown that employee satisfaction can increase by up to 50% when surrounded by people they are friendly with.

Provide Necessary Tools and Resources

Ensure your team has access to:

  • Technology
  • Resources
  • Information they need to collaborate effectively.

Offer Flexibility

Allowing some flexibility in work arrangements, when possible, to accommodate personal needs can improve employee satisfaction.

When employees are satisfied with their working arrangements, they are more likely to be productive and engaged, ultimately leading to team-cohesion.

Empower Decision-Making

Encourage team members to participate in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Address conflicts and issues within the team as soon as they arise to prevent them from escalating.

Resolve Conflicts Promptly

Addressing conflicts and issues within the team as soon as they arise prevents them from escalating.

A good tip is to ensure your business has a clear grievance-resolution process in place. This can help to avoid conflict in the workplace and prevent any existing conflict among team members from escalating.

Encourage Knowledge Sharing

Create a culture of sharing knowledge and best practices among team members.

Knowledge sharing in the workplace promotes new ideas and innovation.

Regularly Assess Team Performance

Conduct regular performance reviews and team evaluations to identify areas for improvement.

Evaluating team performance allows you to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, while also identifying areas for improvement, acknowledging achievements, and encouraging learning.

Provide Feedback

Offering constructive feedback can help employees understand how they can contribute more effectively to the team.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Encourage employees to work with colleagues from other departments to broaden their perspectives and skills. By bringing together various perspectives and knowledge from different departments, businesses can support a more collaborative environment.

As a manager, you should watch for signs of burnout and support team members who may be overwhelmed.

Recognise and Address Burnout

Recent reports have found that 52% of all workers are feeling burned out. This is a 9% increase from pre-COVID.

Watch for signs of burnout and provide support to team members who may be overwhelmed.

Some of the signs of employee burnout include:

  • Emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion
  • Disengagement
  • Increased absenteeism
  • Higher sensitivity to feedback
  • Decreased productivity

Adapt and Evolve

An effective leader is flexible in their approach. They will adapt to changing circumstances and continuously seek ways to improve and promote teamwork.

The more you adapt and evolve, the more relevant you will be in your industry.

Adaptability allows you to overcome obstacles.  

Having a team that works effectively together is no easy task. It is an ongoing effort that requires commitment and dedication from business leaders.

Remember, “Hope is not a strategy”. By having a plan, you can create a productive work environment where your team can thrive, achieve their goals, and contribute to the overall success of the business.

Teamwork is not just a “buzzword”, but a vital element of a successful and harmonious workplace.

Contact KONA to discuss how our tailored training programs can add value to

your business.

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What is Effective Leadership?

Leadership is not just about holding a title or occupying a position of authority; it’s about inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.

Garret Norris, CEO of the KONA Group.

“A resilient leader navigates adversity with unwavering strength. They embody determination, inspiring others through challenges. Their clear vision and strategic mindset provide a steady compass. Such leaders embrace failures as learning opportunities, fostering growth. Their adaptability and decisiveness steer the team towards success. In times of turmoil, their calm demeanour offers reassurance. Ultimately, their ability to lead by example, staying resolute amid adversity, kindles a sense of purpose among their followers, propelling everyone forward with newfound resilience.”

Garret Norris, KONA Group CEO

An effective leader is one who can navigate challenges, motivate their team, and drive positive outcomes. We will explore key strategies that can help you become a more effective leader.

Quote from Rosalynn Carter - "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be."

How can I become a more Effective Leader?

One of the most fundamental aspects of effective leadership is leading by example. Your actions and behaviours set the tone for your team.

Your team members are more likely to emulate the same qualities if you demonstrate:

  • Dedication
  • Integrity
  • A strong work ethic

By modelling the behaviours you expect from your team, you create a culture of accountability and mutual respect.

Clear communication is at the heart of successful leadership.

It’s essential to articulate your vision, goals, and expectations to your team members.

Effective leaders:

  • Listen actively
  • Ask probing questions
  • Ensure that their team members feel heard

Transparent communication builds trust and reduces misunderstandings, enabling your team to work more cohesively.

Micromanaging can stifle creativity and hinder team growth.

An effective leader delegates tasks based on team members’ strengths, allowing them to take ownership and showcase their abilities.

Empowering your team not only boosts their confidence but also creates a sense of shared responsibility for achieving goals.

Emotional intelligence (EI) : The ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others.

Leaders with high EI are better equipped to:

  • Navigate conflicts
  • Build strong relationships
  • Empathise with their team members

By developing your emotional intelligence, you can create a more supportive and empathetic leadership style.

A great leader will lift others up, not tear them down.

Clarity in goal-setting

Clarity in goal-setting and expectations is crucial for a focused and motivated team.

Clearly define objectives, timelines, and success metrics.

When team members understand their roles and how their work contributes to the overall mission, they are more likely to remain engaged and strive for excellence.

Effective Leadership Mindset

It’s important as a leader to encourage a growth mindset within your team by promoting ongoing learning and development.

Provide opportunities for skill-building, offer constructive feedback, and support your team’s career aspirations.

A culture of continuous learning leads to innovation and adaptability, crucial qualities in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

Effective leaders are skilled problem-solvers who can navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

In times of uncertainty, your ability to remain composed and adaptable is essential.

Create a culture where brainstorming and creative thinking are encouraged, and demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity.

A boss will tell people what to do. A leader will give their team the tools to achieve their goals.

Celebrating Achievements

Lastly, acknowledging and celebrating achievements, both big and small, boosts morale and motivates your team.

Whether through public recognition, bonuses, or opportunities for advancement, showing appreciation reinforces a positive work environment and encourages sustained effort.

Becoming an effective leader is a continuous journey that requires self-awareness, dedication, and a commitment to personal growth. By incorporating these strategies into your leadership approach, you can inspire your team to reach new heights and achieve lasting success.

Remember, leadership is not about being perfect, but about striving for excellence and empowering those around you. 

Contact KONA today to discuss how Leadership Coaching can benefit your business.

Call 1300 611 288 or Email us at info@kona.com.au

5 Reasons Why You Need a Team Leadership Charter

In a world that changes so fast, and where competition for resources increases every day – You can’t afford to be left behind.

So, recognising emerging trends and getting in front of the curve is ultimately the path to success.

Leadership improvement techniques over the last few decades have not changed much. However, how we work and who we are as individuals has.

Evidently, the drivers of motivation, performance, behaviour and influence have shifted.

But we seem to be mapping and motivating our team with techniques that date back over 10 or even 20 years.

Effective leaders have the ability to

  • Communicate well
  • Motivate their team
  • Handle and delegate responsibilities
  • Listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace

Employers seek these skills in the candidates they hire for leadership

The Company Team Leadership Charter

Howevermany organisations do not include their leaders in the development of the company “Team Leadership Charter”. Therefore, many leaders either don’t know it, or have little “buy in” as it’s not their creation.

A Leadership Charter should be developed by leaders, for leaders. It will outline the behaviours identified as most important to the department to achieve goals and create a positive workplace.

To Create a Team Map and Leadership Charter for Your Business

Think about these crucial 4 points:

  • Do you have a Leadership Charter that aligns to your Vision, Mission and Values?
  • Do you have a Leadership Charter that is aligned to your business?
  • When is the last time you have reviewed this?
  • Did your leaders play an active role in creating your company “WHY”?

What is a Leadership Charter?

A Leadership Charter represents:

  • How the department’s executive leadership  group wish to be known.
  • How they want to lead with a common set of tools and language to relate to each other, stakeholders, and staff.

Why Do You Need a Leadership Charter?

It is highly recommend creating a Team Leadership Charter to collectively define the purpose of the team.

As well, this will also clarify factors that will lead to success for the team – team goals, deliverables, milestones, key values and behaviours. 

The Team Leadership Charter acts as a vision for the team, helping to get crystal clear on why the team exists and on their focus. Ultimately, it serves as a touchstone for decision making and day to day behaviour, and how to collectively lead and grow the business.

Additionally, it is the first step in the development of mapping your team’s performance.

The benefits of a Team Leadership Charter are numerous, including:

  • Ensuring buy-in from all team members
  • Holding all team members accountable
  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities within the team
  • Demonstrating the team’s purpose to the rest of the organisation
  • Providing clarity and reducing confusion in cases where conflicts may arise

A Team Leadership Charter is created collectively

Therefore, it encourages buy-in and support from every member of the team.

Moreover, it motivates, inspires and energises providing the clarity around the who, what, and why of the team. Fundamentally, when team members come and go – it is important to review and revise the team charter to allow new team members equal contribution, support, and buy-in.

We have developed many Team Leadership Charters and seen them in action, and watched teams flourish. 

One of the best examples of a Team Leadership Charter is a big, bold and colourful laminated page.

Additionally, it needs to be proudly displayed in a prominent position for all team members and others in an organisation to see. 

This acts as a constant reminder to team members of their purpose. It also allows others that interact with the team. Ultimately, this will lead to an understanding as to why your team exists and what drives it to succeed.

Sample of Team Leadership Charter

A List of Values for a Leadership Charter for Virgin and Alibaba with their logos

Team Mapping

When you agree on your Team Leadership Charter, your leaders are then ready to map their teams. Consequently, they are now prepared to develop a unified approach to increasing performance across the business.

A team is defined as:

“A small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable.”

When it comes to a team – performance and accountability go hand in hand.

And for this to be successful, a team needs to be united. Unified Team management is the ability of an individual or an organisation to administer and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. 

Team management involves:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication Objective setting
  • Performance appraisals


Call KONA on 1300 611 288 for a conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.


4 Reasons Why Compassion Is More Effective In Leadership Than Empathy

Empathy is important for good leadership, but too much can be an issue.

Rather than carrying the responsibility of empathy, leaders can learn to experience compassion.


Being compassionate can:

  • Change how leaders engage with their teams

  • Benefit all parties

  • Alleviate burden from leaders

    Here are 4 benefits of being a compassionate rather than empathetic leader.  

1. It Is Easier To Make Decisions Based On Compassion Rather Than Empathy

  Being empathetic means we take on the emotions of the other person and feel what they are feeling.   Other than making the other person feel less alone, empathy doesn’t offer any solution.   Empathy is considered impulsive- Compassion is considered deliberate and conscious.   When being compassionate we have the clarity of mind to reflect on the situation and make wise decisions.   You can ask the person ‘What do you need?’. This will better inform you on how you can help.  

2. Compassion Over Empathy Allows You To Put Emotions Aside When Making Decisions

Compassion allows you to:
  • Take an emotional step back
  • Act rationally, not impulsively
  • Think clearly and consciously

3. Empathy Lets Us Join The Suffering Of Others, But Compassion Allows Us To Help

Compassion is essentially recognising the suffering of others and then taking action.   When being compassionate, we take a step away from the emotion of empathy and ask ourselves ‘How can we help?’.  

4. Why You Need Compassion And Empathy As A Leader

  To be an effective leader it is important to connect with Empathy but to lead with Compassion. A leader needs to be empathetic in order to engage. But we can leverage our empathy to lead with compassion.       Putting empathy aside to lead with compassion doesn’t make a leader less kind, it allows you to better support your team through difficult times.  

Are your leadership team compassionate or empathetic?


Contact KONA to discuss how tailored Leadership Training can benefit the leaders in your business!

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9 Important Tips For Setting Appointments

How to start a sales call the right way - CrankWheel

Business owners and salespeople often use phone calls to book appointments with clients and prospective customers. To do this successfully you need confidence in the relationship-building aspect of telemarketing. You have the responsibility of displaying your product or service in an honest and professional way and you are aware of the value of what it means to exceed the expectations of your customer.

But what steps can you take to guarantee your best chance of securing an appointment?

1. Have A Plan

 Preparation is vital. When you go into a conversation prepared with what you want to say, you can be confident that you are covering all important matters. You will be able to keep control of the conversation and bring it back if it drifts off-topic.

2. Make Your Offer Early
It is important to spark interest early on and to combat objections promptly with an offer that is full of benefits. You need to be quick to ensure negativity does not affect the customer’s decision.
3. Conversation Is Key
Ask short, open questions to gage as much information as possible from the customer. Your questions should be relevant to ensure you keep their attention and you should repeat their answers back to them when suitable. Talking for too long and confusing the client with your questions can lead to them tuning out of the conversation.
4. Handle Objections
Show the customer that you understand their situation by recognising their objections. Use phrases like ‘I understand how you feel.’ Let them know that you have had other customers that had similar objections when they first came onboard. This will demonstrate that you are experienced. Clarify that the purpose of the appointment is to understand their position and then suggest an appointment time. Competitive Objection Handling 101: Your Guide to Knocking Competitors out of Deals and Earning the Trust of Your Buyers - Klue
5. Don’t Give In The First Time
Objections are inevitable and when they happen, it is important not to repeat the objection back to the customer or go too much into it. Don’t take any objections personally and ask the right questions to better understand their answer. It is common for it to take a number of conversations with the prospective customer before they accept your offer of an appointment, so don’t get disheartened if they do not accept the first time around.
6. Don’t Be Afraid Of Uncertainty
Admitting when you don’t know the answer to something or needing to check with someone else is not a bad thing. Building a foundation of trust with your customer is so important and if you bluff your way around their questions, it is likely they will find out and that relationship will be damaged. If you have uncertainty around an objection or question, tell them that, and get back to them with the right information.
7. Research Before You Call
The more you know before picking up the phone, the better. If you have just a name and a phone number, you can still make an effective sales appointment. If all else fails, you can always turn to Google. Or, if you’d rather, you can reach out to your connections on LinkedIn. You can even check with your network contacts to see if you know anyone who knows the prospect. You may be able to get a referral from a mutual contact. The 18 Best Places for Sales Reps to Research Prospects [Expert Tips]
8. Create A Good Opener
Once you get the prospect on the phone, you have about 10-20 seconds before they’re ready to hang up on you. Most people automatically reject you as soon as you start trying to sell them. If you want to get past a potential customer’s rejection filter, you’ll need an opener that surprises or intrigues them. Something that will make them sit up and take notice. Once you have their attention, you can set up an appointment or at least get them to listen to what you have to say.
9. Pick A Benefit That Most Interests Your Prospect
When you have done your research and know more about your prospect, you can better customise your pitch to fit their needs or pain points. This way, you are more likely to get their business. Pick a benefit of your product or service that you think will most appeal to your prospective customer. Explain how that product or service provides this benefit to them. Our billing system helps give you peace of mind.

7 Essential Tips to Set Sales Appointments Geared for Success • Bookafy

Timeless Advice Is The Best Advice. Sell the benefits and value, not features. Come prepared, find out what the customer’s concerns are and present them with solutions. When you offer them the chance to find out more about something that they may have a hard time saying no to, offer an appointment.

Are your team following these appointment setting tips?

Contact KONA today for customised training for your business!

click here to contact the KONA Group red button or call 1300 611 288

6 Signs Your Sales Manager Is Failing As A Sales Coach

Sales Coaching versus Sales Training - Adroit Insights

When you notice your sales team are struggling, it can be hard to pinpoint the source of the problem. Could it be that your sales manager is failing as a sales coach? If this is the case, it can lead to many problems in the business. How will you know if it is the sales manager or another factor affecting performance?

Here, we will tell you 6 signs that your sales manager could be failing as a sales coach.

6. They Are Not Motivational
Salespeople need inspiration and motivation to deliver exceptional results. There are countless ways a sales manager can motivate their team, they can offer incentives, create competitions or even verbal encouragement. If a sales manager is not motivating the team and getting them excited to sell, the team will quickly lose their drive and may even feel frustrated. 5. They Are Not Teaching Their Team About New Products A good sales manager will ensure they are setting aside time to teach their team about new products and services. If the team are not educated about a product, how will they sell it? Salespeople need to know not only what the product is, but also the benefits and features, in order to be able to sell it.
4. They Are Focusing On The Wrong Salespeople
Typically, sales managers will focus their attention on their highest and lowest performing team members, when in fact it is those in between that need the most time. Your best salespeople are already doing well and if your underperforming salespeople are consistently underperforming, this may not be the role for them. The salespeople in the middle of the spectrum can go either way. If the middle salespeople are not given the right tools and training, they will drop to the bottom. With the right coaching however, they will likely rise to the top.
3. They Are Results-Focused, Not People-Focused
If your sales manager’s only concern is successful sales and not helping the sales team, this is a problem. Sales coaching encompasses observations, uncovering strengths and weaknesses within the team and helping the team through them. A successful sales coach will focus on improving each salesperson’s performance, rather than just their mistakes.
2. They Are Not Coaching Regularly
Studies show that 65% of employees say the training and learning opportunities provided to them positively impacts their engagement in the workplace. When team members are engaged, they are more likely to take on more and ultimately become better at what they do. In order to improve skills and learn new techniques sales coaching needs to be used consistently, not just when a new salesperson joins the team.
1. Your Salespeople Do The Following:
  • Miss their KPI’s often
  • Business only comes from existing “friendly” customers or clients
  • Don’t prospect or generate enough fresh leads
  • They don’t do enough Quality Sales Activity
  • Are uncomfortable speaking with decision makers in Leadership or Senior Management positions
  • Are only comfortable talking about problems, price, and product specs
  • Miss opportunities in their Pipeline due to not chasing or revisiting leads consistently
  • Have a low Lead to Sale Conversion Ratio
  • Don’t generate enough repeat business from clients
  • Blame the market, products or services, customers, accounts, their managers, or the price of petrol when they miss target, as “It’s not my fault.”

Can you recognise any of these traits in your sales manager? If so, it may be time to consider investing in a sales coaching for your team to help them reach their full potential.

  click here to contact the KONA Group red button or call 1300 611 288  

5 Ways Poor Leadership Impacts Your Business

scott morrison interview with anabelle crab with caption of him saying "I've learnt not to care"

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbour will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. Where do we stand as leaders? Do our leaders stand for the welfare of others through this difficult time?” – Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Impact of a Leader that does not care

Leaders who don’t care for their team members are adding tremendous costs to their organisation. And most often, it is the people on the front lines who are blamed. Additionally, they are blamed for being disengaged, for low productivity, and for lack of loyalty (that is, turnover).

The most direct result of poor leadership is poor Sales. And as we know, in the Sales industry low productivity means missed targets. Consequently, this has a direct impact on a Salesperson’s individual performance and KPI. But more so, on the company’s overall financial gains.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

Effects of Poor Leadership

Poor Leadership has devastating effects on any team but particularly on a Sales team. Why? Because a Leader is so much more than just a figurehead. Ultimately, a Leader has a massive impact on the core belief system of the wider team.

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Anyone who holds a position of authority has the responsibility to ensure all team members are working together towards a collective goal.

Leaders are a valuable part of any business because they determine the pace and progress of work. However, compassion and understanding while striving towards these goals have never been more important.

Based on that, poor Leadership becomes a massive liability. Many are of the belief that Leadership is “so easy”… all you have to do is tell others what to do. But that thinking is quickly quashed when faced with the reality of leading.

The actions of a poor Leader is more than missed targets, it can destroy the entire culture of a company.

Poor Leadership can bring down the entire organisation single-handedly.

Now we don’t know what we don’t know. But once we are made aware, it is up to us as Leaders to adopt change and grow. Grow from our experiences, grow from what we are being told, grow from our mistakes. Poor Leaders can change – if they want to!

Spotting poor leadership early will help you to pivot in the right direction. Here are 5 Ways Poor Leadership Impacts Your Business.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

1. Loss of Motivation to work

Poor leadership can have a negative impact on the performance and morale employees.

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Ultimately, commitment levels will plummet, and there will be little to no motivation to attend to their tasks. Additionally, employees will have no creative energy, or desire, to come up with innovative ideas. Their drive to contribute to company growth will wane and eventually expire.

2. Poor Sales Performance

As mentioned, one of the most direct results of poor leadership is dwindling Sales. Adding to point number one, employees will lose all mojo to perform their best if they feel their Leader is lacking in interest. And in Sales, poor performance ultimately means missed KPIs and low productivity.

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Also, poor leaders do not fully maximise their staff members. They typically lack the necessary capacity to evaluate their employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, these employees are assigned roles that don’t bring out their strengths. This factor alone is detrimental to the company long-term.

3. Lack of Ownership and Transperancy

A strong leader is able to instil the value of ownership across all departments to each employee. On the other hand, a bad leader makes people feel indifferent to taking responsibility over their own roles within the company. Subsequently, a Leader’s “I don’t really care” mentality trickles down to all employees.

Poor leaders also have the tendency of failing to be transparent to their employees. The KONA Group Coaching Program teaches and believes that honesty is an integral trait of a great leader. It is core to the Leadership framework and is top line in the development of Leadership Charters.

leadership charter list

4. Mismanaged Resources

Sales is not the only company function impacted by poor leadership. It can affect others as well. Time and costs also suffer as a result of poor leadership. Put simply, a lot of time ends up getting wasted correcting the wrong calls made by a bad leader or a mismanaged employee.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

5. Poor Work Culture

Poor leadership, combined with low morale, will create a negative workplace environment.

This means that even workers who were not originally affected by the initial issues can become “infected” by this negative environment.

This low morale gradually spreads to all areas of the company. Remember, the trickle down affect of poor leadership?

Evaluating Poor Leadership

There is no room for poor leadership in any organisation. What is the quality of the Leadership in your company?

If you are a Sales Leader, take time to reflect on how you can challenge your own ideas about what it means to be a great Leader. Moreover, actively work to ensure that you are enabling your team to be as effective as possible.

Also, take a step back and think about KPIs impacted by Leadership. This includes turnover and growth. Is turnover high? Are new employees leaving after a short tenure? Are tenured employees leaving after years of loyalty? These types of questions may open some uncomfortable doors but are so important for both your growth as a Leaders (and person), as well as employee and company growth. Analysing your own Leadership ability and that of your peers enables your company to recruit effectively, as well as retain those very employees that make your company successful.

clipart image of a ship with an iceberg below it with text Evaluating Poor Leadership KONA Group Leadership Training Identifying Unseen Symptoms of Poor Leadership

For more information about Leadership Training and Coaching, contact us to invest in your growth, on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.