The KONA Group is enjoying great growth currently working with Australian businesses across a wide cross section of industries including the Banking, IT, Manufacturing, Tourism, Retail and Government Departments using a very powerful tool called Talent Insights®.
Most training organisations simply use DISC or DISC Advanced but we go much deeper into personality profiling with Talent Insights® – the first “multi-science” profiling assessment in the world.
Perfect for Sales Training and Teams Training
This powerful profiling tool is perfect for applying to sales training or team training and delivers incredible results.
What is Talent Insights®?
Talent Insights® was developed as the world’s first multi-science assessment. It is unique in the market because it combines the power of TTISI’s world famous DISC and Motivators assessments into a single, integrated report, blending feedback from both tools.
If you are already using DISC, upgrading to the more powerful Talent Insights® is a must!
Talent Insights®. A Double-Science Assessment
As a double-science assessment, Talent Insights® provides us with two perspectives to understand the people we work with. Talent Insights® explores:
- Their behavioural style (HOW they prefer to behave and communicate)
- Their personal motivators (WHY they move into action)
When using a traditional single-dimensional assessment, we can miss (or have to assume) so much about what makes a person who they are.
With a multi-science assessment, such as Talent Insights®, we have more places to look for answers and a more complete framework to help people understand themselves and others.

The Multi-Science Advantage
For example, a person with a strong “theoretical” motivator will have a thirst for knowledge and opportunities to learn.
Why is it then that some people with a strong theoretical motivator need to know everything about a subject, while others are comfortable with only a high-level understanding?
The answer may lie in the person’s behavioural style; that is, HOW they will go about satisfying that motivator. Once we uncover their behavioural (DISC) style, we can better understand how two “theoretically” motivated people might appear to be very different individuals.
For instance, a person with a high “D” behavioural style and a strong theoretical might want as much high-level information as fast as they can get it, while a person with a high “C” behavioural style and the strong “theoretical” motivator might want to completely immerse themselves in a subject to fully understand as much as possible.
The Talent Insights® assessment will help you and your customers better understand and appreciate both a person’s behavioural style and their personal motivators.
What Does Talent Insights® Measure?
The Talent Insights® is a powerful assessment combining two sciences, helping you to explore two key areas of performance:
- HOW we behave and communicate — using the world famous DISC assessment
- WHY we move into action — using the simple yet powerful Workplace Motivators® assessment
This powerful combination produces a 35+ page report that covers 3 sections: Behaviours, Motivators, and an integrated section combining Behavioural and Motivational feedback.
With this unique and powerful blend, your recruitment, management and development activities will be well supported by research-based, validated, and most importantly easy-to-apply assessments.

The Behaviours Section – DISC
The TTI Success Insights® DISC profile is available in a number of different versions specifically designed for different applications.
The suite includes reports designed for use in recruitment and selection as well as more comprehensive coaching and development reports.
Unlike some of the more primitive DISC models, our DISC assessments provide feedback on all four factors to truly capture how we are unique at a behavioural level and avoid pigeonholing people. The 4 core DISC behaviours measured are:
- Dominance – How we respond to problems & challenges
- Influence – How we respond to people & contact
- Steadiness – How we respond to pace & consistency
- Compliance – How we respond to procedures & constraints
Note: The behaviours section also includes the Behavioural Hierarchy: 8 sub-behavioural tendencies based on the core four.
The Workplace Motivators® profile is a 14-page report. It takes you a step beyond the standard behavioural assessment to dive deeper into the world of personal values. The 6 core Motivators measured are:
- Theoretical – A drive for knowledge and learning.
- Utilitarian – A drive for practicality, value and ROI.
- Aesthetic – A drive for beauty and creative expression.
- Social – A drive for compassion and helping others.
- Individualistic – A drive for uniqueness, status and to lead.
- Traditional – A drive for unity, order and a system for living.
Note: The Workplace Motivators® also includes feedback on what a person should try to avoid based on his or her motivators. TTI’s brain-based research confirms that this has a deep subconscious impact on our decision-making.
The Blended Section
Talent Insights® was the first assessment in the world to include integration between different models.
This integrated section explores the influence of one dimension of performance on another — in this case, one’s DISC behavioural style and personal motivators.
Included in the Talent Insights® Coaching Report is a section that explores how an individual’s motivators might impact their DISC behavioural style and vice versa.
This is not available from any other assessment provider.
Versions of the Talent Insights® Profile
The Talent Insights® series is made up of a collection of reports designed to support your initiatives and help achieve the outcomes you are looking for. All of our tools have been designed with flexibility, practicality and multiple uses in mind.
This means you can invest once in the right profile and use it throughout the employee life cycle to maximise your investment.
As a multi-science report, Talent Insights® explores both Behavioural Style and Personal Motivators.
There are four sets of reports in this series, including:
- Talent Insights® Job Profiles – Providing a validated way to profile the unique positions in any business and determine the “ideal” mix of behaviours and motivators for a superior performer. We refer to this as “Position Benchmarking”.
- Talent Insights® Selection Profiles – A shortened version of the full report designed to provide hiring managers with what they need to understand a candidate’s behavioural and motivational mix.
- Talent Insights® Comparison and Gap Reports – A set of reports to visually display personal reports against a benchmark (for example, in the selection process to see how closely someone matches a benchmark).
- Talent Insights® Coaching and Development Reports – A set of reports that comprehensively explores a person’s behavioural style and motivators. These reports are available in General, Sales and Executive versions.

Common Uses for the Talent Insights®
The DISC and WPMOT models are both wonderfully versatile tools. The Talent Insights® profile is commonly used in the following functions:
Training and Development:
Leadership Development
Communication Effectiveness
Sales Training
Team Effectiveness
Sales Development
Customer Service Training
Coaching/Mentoring Relationships
Telemarketing Training
Strategy and Management:
Competency Framework/Development
Planning and Strategy
Change Management
Conflict Resolution
Career Planning
Position Benchmarking
To better understand the concept of multi-science assessments and the advantages of the TTI Success Insights® suite of tools, please contact the KONA team on 1300 611 288 or learn more at
Download the White Paper on The 15 things that sets our DISC reports apart from anything else used in Australia. Link Here.
Call for a free discovery session or to get some sample reports emailed to you explaining why these reports are different than the rest in the market.
Our training programs are delivered Australia wide including New Zealand and South East Asia.
Story content by our partners TTI Success Insights at