In uncertain times it is vital to keep your business active, busy as well as professional – that means ensuring your staff have a solid grasp on the dos and don’ts of E-Meetings and video conferencing as virtual workplaces become the new normal.
In light of these new challenges we face as business leaders, more and more of our clients are requesting virtual training, coaching and mentoring on the below topics, to mention but a few:
- Customer Service Training
- Sales Training
- Pipeline Management
- Negotiation Training
- Executive and Management Coaching
- Key Account Management
- DISC Profiling and Understanding Behaviour Training
It is important our Leaders and Managers embrace the shift in training and take on this platform as part of the development of their team.
Think about this, does your team:
- Know how to behave in front of the camera?
- Understand the art of non-verbal communication?
- Have techniques to read the e-room?
- Know how to hear not just listen in a virtual meeting?
- Ask the correct question to captivate a segregated audience?
Work-from-home has many benefits, but it also has many pitfalls like how do you manage your staff remotely?
For a business to prevent the perils of a work-from-home set-up undermining productivity, managers must maintain face-to-face interaction with employees online – often. It’s not about ‘checking in’, rather it shows you care for how your staff are performing.
Here are essential tips for E-Meeting Protocols, however remember, the virtual employee has now become a professional discipline that needs to be managed, continuously.
The correct software in a virtual workplace is integral.
There are plenty of cool tools and gadgets for a home office set up, but whatever the setup you go with – keep it simple.
Time means value in remote work, so you don’t want employees wasting their meeting times unnecessarily setting up devices and downloading software.
Also, by keeping things basic – using software like Skype, Facetime, and Teams, these platforms allow you to communicate virtually as well as exchange documents, view presentations and share screens.
Some people find the sounds of people typing soothing, but many find it irritating, especially one finger keyboard pounders.
This applies in an office environment as well as in a virtual meeting. Be it typing notes or on the spot emailing – keep your hands well away from the keyboard in an E-Meeting.
Apart from not being annoying, you are also indicating to your fellow e-meeting participant that they have your full attention.
Note taking should be hand-written, for courtesy as well as information retention – you remember what you write better than what you type.
Only keep programs open that relate to the E-Meeting.
One of the biggest indicators of disrespect is showing you don’t care – so avoid even the temptation to be distracted and keep personal tabs and programs closed during an E-Meeting.
And – stay away from your mobile!
Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking.
Unexpected sounds are just that – unexpected. A dog barking, children playing, sirens screaming down the street. This may not seem like much, but it can be distracting as well as annoying to the other E-Meeting participants.
So, keep the mic on mute and when it is your time to speak, un-mute the mic and talk.
Despite the advances in technology, connection break-ups and two-three second delays in E-Meetings are still common.
Get used to pausing after asking a question. But most importantly – speak clearly and concisely and articulate your words.

You are at work. You may not be at work but nonetheless you are working.
So, dress like you would if you were at the office.
Every E-Meeting ensure both your attire and presentation is professional.
In fact, dress for work everyday you are working from home – you’ll be more focused and productive because you’re already dressed to win.

Washing basket? Dirty dishes? Empty bottles from the night before? Avoid embarrassment to yourself and the business and always be conscious of what people can see in your house.
Would you crunch on chips or sip a slushie in an office board meeting? No. So don’t do it in an E-Meeting either. Unprofessional and messy.
Rule of thumb – if you wouldn’t do it, wear it, say it, eat it or show it in an onsite office meeting, don’t do it in an E-Meeting.
The KONA Academy Protocols of a E-Meetings Training covers all of the above tips in detail, as part of the E-Meeting Program, which also looks at:
- Understanding the Behaviour of Your Audience
- Reading the E-Room
- Virtual Presentation Skills
- E-Management Training: how to manage your team remotely