By Glenn Dobson of the KONA Group
You might say that “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT” is an overused cliché. And you could be right.It’s been there for years and has invoked many differences of opinion.

Through all these years many things have changed in the way businesses interact with clients and customers but making them a priority continues to be crucially important.
In Australian customer service training, call centre training and sales training courses, customer centric organisations stand out as making every customer interaction a chance to build and strengthen relationships with their customers and in the process, impress them.
So here are 5 ways to make sure your team don’t forget to put customers at the centre of everything they do on a daily basis.
1. Get everyone in your business involved in customer service.
Ideally every employee, from the CEO to the receptionist, from accounts to sales, should be able to pitch in and lend a hand with customer support.Smart companies include ‘none sales’ departments in on customer service training and sales training in Sydney and Melbourne as they realise that not only will participation equip them with the right communication skills, it will also show none sales and service departments how important you regard this working philosophy.
2. Work out a schedule for all staff members to meet with key customers.
Customer service training should be a continuing aspect of every employee’s job and organising face to face meetings is one of the best ways for them to really get to know your customers and how your products are used.
Sure it may be unrealistic to expect everyone to do 20 meetings a week, especially with small customers, but at least free up the time to work with the sales and customer support people to meet with important customers
3. Make your customers the centre of your business
You and your management team should define the kind of company culture you feel is needed for the business with customer service an integral part of it.Set the tone by including customer service training and call centre training updates, issues and concerns during company meetings. Also, as you work out your vision and mission statements make customer service a critical part.
4. Reward service excellence
For excellent support from your frontline people, offer performance based rewards and incentives.
It shouldn’t just be the sales people who get the rewards.Your office bound top performers should likewise enjoy such rewards of being customer centric by recognising them publicly.
Ensure all internal communications reinforce to everybody they need to understand that this concept of being customer centered is important to your business and share real life examples of where employees have made a difference.
5. Make sure everyone has access to customer information.
Entering information onto your CRM should not be just the domain of sales people.
All departments and every employee should be in a position to know about your individual customers and by entering and sharing information they will become more productive and build more positive relationships.
When you make customers central to your business operations, you have a real opportunity to differentiate your organisation from your competition, and by putting these 5 tips in place you will establish the key corporate value that customer service is everyone’s responsibility
To learn more about KONA’s Australian
Sales Training,
Call Centre Training,
Customer Service Training and
Sales Management Training and Coaching in Sydney and Melbourne, telephone Glenn Dobson on
1300 611 288, or email