Are You Bad for Business?

If you or your team fit into any of the following categories you are harming your yourself and your business… 1. Drink coffee to keep going. 2. Sedentary. 3. Overweight. 4. Have regular pain. These categories affect decision making, energy levels, concentration, performance and therefore productivity. Money isn’t making into your pocket. With obesity affecting 60-70% of the population and costing $37.7 billion and a further $6.4 billion from premature death, absenteeism and presenteeism; even when your team are there, they are not there and you are paying for it. It’s time to stop the money leak and put the Health back into OH&S… Your brain and body need regular doses of oxygen, proper nutrition, activity and rest to perform optimally. The benefits are… 1. Lower stress levels 2. Clear thinking and accurate decisions 3. A motivated team 4. Decreased sick leave and costly medical bills 5. Increased productivity and profits As an outcome of one of last years KONA Sales Training workshops many of the participants went on to change their lives by making the 3 following commitments (one middle aged sales manager has lost 39 kgs in 6 months!!!!): 1. They stopped eating most things that contained white sugar especially soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, fast food, etc 2. They stopped eating most things white especially white bread, white rice and white potatoes 3. They started to walk most days including getting off and on the bus/train one stop early; walking round the block before they went into the office; meeting a friend/partner in the evening and walking before bed PLEASE: Stop throwing good money at poor food choices, pain killers and costly treatments Reshape your life and business with a seminar from KONA’s Health & Fitness expert Timothy Kitching. His message is sharp and clear – respect your body and life is easier. Timothy has a life time of sport and fitness behind him, is a previous volunteer speaker for the Heart Foundation and a qualified fitness trainer with 20 fitness videos to his name. For more information about seminars tailored to your needs please call Timothy on 1300 611 288 or