Public Speaking is the Good Guy

In many texts ‘Public Speaking’ has been incorrectly labeled as a bad guy; phrases like “most people are more fearful of public speaking than dying”, ” public speaking is the greatest fear for 90% of the population”, people describe it as “nerve racking, terrifying, scary” All this type of language reinforces their fears and if you are experiencing the ‘fight or flight’ syndrome, you are setting yourself up to flee. Before we cover a few ways to cope with the demands of public speaking and have you standing confidently let’s look closer at the effect of the negative language above. 95% of behavior is sub – consciously driven and negative language sits in the driver’s seat which leads to failure. Continual use of negative language expands the fear and when it’s time to present it can be overwhelming. Focusing on the negative aspect of anything is a one sided view. Here are a few suggestions to arrive confidently in the speaking area…
  • Look at public speaking as an opportunity. It improves your career, builds confidence, is useful in all communication and you are seen as a ‘leader’. Look for the benefits of public speaking that you will receive.
  • Delete the negative language from your vocabulary and replace the words fear & terror etc with energy – then it works for you. Energy In the speaking area motivates and inspires your audience and makes you feel more in control
  • Prepare and rehearse adequately – knowing your presentation will skyrocket your confidence.
Our role at KONA is to show you ways to succeed.  Our workshops are completely customised around your presentations, clients and people and are jam packed with ways to make your speaking journey as easy and successful as possible. Public Speaking is the ‘good guy’ and is crucial if you or your team need to deliver reports & proposals effectively, deliver sales training & conference presentations, team talks or products presentations and  it will add enormously to your organisation. We’re here to assist you, if you’d like more details please contact Tim on 1300 611 288 or