For many of us in a work from home set up, it can get exceedingly difficult to keep our minds continually engaged. But there are ways to invigorate morale and at the same time keep up productivity during lockdown.
At the KONA Group, we live by the philosophy activity drives results. So with that mantra in mind, we make sure all our employees stay active in mind and body. We believe a balance of mental and physical stimulation in our working day does wonders in increasing Sales and skyrocketing productivity.
For example, the Group’s CEO Garret Norris hops on his rowing machine in between delivering Virtual Training. We dare you to ask him next time you’re on a Sales, Negotiation, Leadership, Customers Service, or DISC Virtual Workshop with him – if he’s wearing his rowing tights ?!

Then there’s KONA Senior Partner Glenn Dobson, he likes to build fences with his wife Ann as BlazeAid volunteers. And as soon as Glenn gets back into mobile reception range, he’s making those Sales calls!

As for Maud Vanhoutte, KONA’s Effective Communication Specialist, she draws creative inspiration and is paws-itively productive during her work day thanks to her best friend Nalla.

So what do you do to entertain yourself during lockdown while also fitting business in?
The Competition
Send in your most inventive way(s) that you have kept yourself amused and still fit business in during lockdown. Entries can be:
- Individual
- Team
- Company-wide
The Winner
The winning company will receive a 90-minute Virtual Workshop for their TEAM with a Specialist Trainer in one of the below learning areas:
- Sales
- Customer Service
- DISC Profiling (Profiles Need to Be Bought Separately)
Why Are We Doing This?
Because as mentioned, we live by the philosophy activity drives results. And also, we love a good belly laugh. Heaven knows we could all do with that of late. We know laughter releases endorphins and makes us feel good.
Additionally, laughter is a key to our brain’s executive function, the part of us that keeps our eyes on the prize and produces results. And that there is Why Are We Doing This – to produce results. We practice what we preach. Our job at The KONA Group is to get you, our customer, to produce results. And if we can make you laugh along the way, then awesome!
The “What To Do“
- Email info@kona.com.au your most creative way(s) that you keep yourself amused while working
- All entries must be submitted with a photo of said activity/task
- Include a contact name and number
- If you wish, tell us what Learning Area you want your Team to sit in on for their 90-Minute Virtual Training Workshop

In the meantime, here are the Top 3 Habits to Increase Productivity While Working From Home:
1. Get the Right Amount Of Sleep
How much sleep do you get? If you are among the 40-odd percent of adults who sleep less than the recommended 7 to 9 hours per night, you may be suffering from mild sleep deprivation. Even if you’re clocking close to 7 hours, getting just 20 to 30 minutes less sleep than you need each night can impair cognition and performance. And you might not even realise it (drweissbluth.com/).

That said, it is not about getting hours upon hours of extra sleep. It is as simple as going to bed (a little) earlier. You will be amazed at your productivity level the next day.
2. Get a Stand-Up Desk or Use A Better Chair
When you spend most of your day seated, the chair you’re using can greatly affect how you feel during your working hours.

In fact, standing is much better for our posture and cognitive ability than sitting. A recent survey (officedepot.com/) found that more than half of workers who use an office-style chair daily suffer from back pain or physical discomfort because of their desk chairs.
3. Take Exercise Breaks
Let’s face it – we are now more than ever living in a sedentary work environment. This means we have to work a little harder to work physical activity into our daily routines.
A gym workout is a popular choice for many workers committed to fitness. But for all of us, we should consider the physical and mental benefits of a midday exercise break. Exercise breaks at around lunchtime can benefit more than just your health, it also boosts concentration and creativity levels when you do get back to work.

So, send in your most inventive activity you or a colleague does to amuse yourselves and keep fit all while still conducting business during lockdown, for your chance TO WIN your Team a 90-Minute Virtual Training Workshop!
And for more information about Maintaining Mojo While Working from Home or How to Smash Sales Remotely, call us on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.