How often should teams or individuals undergo DISC training for it to be effective and sustainable?

The frequency of DISC training for teams or individuals depends on several factors, including the organisation’s goals, the participants’ needs, and the level of familiarity with DISC concepts. Generally, DISC training can be effective and sustainable with a combination of initial training and periodic refresher sessions. 

  • Initial Training: When introducing DISC to a team or individuals, it’s essential to provide a comprehensive training session to ensure everyone has a solid understanding of the model, its principles, and how to apply it in the workplace. This initial training can be more in-depth and may last a day or a few days, depending on the complexity and objectives.
  • Follow-up Sessions: After the initial training, it’s a good idea to have follow-up sessions within a relatively short period. These sessions can take place monthly or quarterly, depending on the organization’s needs. Regular follow-ups help reinforce the concepts and allow participants to share experiences, ask questions, and get further guidance on applying DISC in their daily interactions.
  • Integration into Work Culture: DISC training can be more effective when it becomes an integrated part of the organisation’s work culture. This could include incorporating DISC principles into regular team meetings, performance reviews, and communication practices.
  • As Needed or When Changes Occur: Beyond the initial training and regular follow-ups, teams or individuals may benefit from additional DISC training when specific needs arise. For example, when new team members join, when major organizational changes occur, or when there are challenges with team dynamics.

The effectiveness and sustainability of DISC training depend on striking the right balance between initial training, regular follow-ups, and as-needed sessions, while also fostering a culture of continuous learning and application of DISC principles. The specific frequency may vary from organisation to organisation, and it’s essential to be flexible and adaptive to the participants’ needs and the evolving dynamics within the team.